Saturday, August 31, 2019

Should boys and girls be in separate classes? Essay

â€Å"Single-sex education can be especially harmful for children who do not conform to gender stereotypes. Peers are often the strongest enforcers of sex roles. Boys who do not fit the tough, athletic mold and girls who do not fit feminine stereotypes are subject to bullying or exclusion from other children.† Kimmel, M. (2008). Guyland: The perilous world where boys become men. New York: HarperCollins Publishers. â€Å"It appears that bullying is more severe in single-sex academies, which lack the buffering effects of the opposite sex.† Jackson, C. (2002). Can single-sex classes in co-educational schools enhance the learning experiences of girls and/or boys? An Exploration of Pupils’ perceptions. British Educational Research Journal, 28, 37-48. †When children are separated based on simple biological characteristics, there is potential for serious harm. First, the very act of segregation fosters the belief in deep, far-reaching behavioral and ability differences, which runs counter to the true, statistically modest sex differences that do exist.â€Å" Hyde JS (2005) The gender similarities hypothesis. American Psychologist â€Å"Research shows that segregation promotes stereotyping. When teachers emphasize gender, for instance, by lining up boys and girls separately, the children develop more stereotypic views of gender than peers in classrooms where gender is not emphasized.† Hilliard, Lacey J.; Liben, Lynn S. 2010. Differing levels of gender salience in preschool classrooms: Effects on children’s gender attitudes and intergroup bias. Child Development, 81: 1787-1798. â€Å"In fact, segregated classes also increase teachers’ stereotyping.† Datnow, A., Hubbard, L., & Woody, E. (2001) Is single-gender learning viable in the public sector? Lessons from California’s pilot program. Toronto: Ontario Institute for Studies in Education. â€Å"She found that after two weeks of teachers using gendered language and divisions — lining children up by gender and asking boys and girls to post work on separate bulletin boards — the students showed an increase in gender-stereotyped attitudes toward each other and their choice of toys, and they played less with children of the other sex.† Penn State â€Å"Sex Segregation in Schools Detrimental to Equality.† ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 22 Sept. 2011. Web. 25 Feb. 2015. More behavior problems â€Å"Gender segregation has negative consequences for social behavior. Research has shown that children who spend more time playing only with same-sex peers show increased gender-typed activities, and their behavior becomes increasingly gender-differentiated.† Martin, C. L., & Fabes, R. A. (2001). The stability and consequences of same-sex peer interactions. Developmental Psychology, 37, 431-446. â€Å"For instance, boys with more exposure to same-sex peers become more aggressive over time, and certain boys, such as those with less self-control, are placed at greater risk for behavior problems.† Fabes, R. A., Shepard, S. A., Guthrie, I. K., & Martin, C. L. (1997). Roles of temperamental arousal and gender segregated play in young children’s social adjustment. Developmental Psychology, 33, 693-702. Main point 2: Prevent socialization between different gender Crossed gender friendship â€Å"By contrast, children in a co-ed class have a wider opportunity to find others they are comfortable with. This is supported by a large recent study of middle and high-school students, where greater numbers of cross-gender friendships were found to reduce the overall level of aggression, compared to schools in which such friendships are rarer.† Faris, R., & Felmlee, D. (2010). Status struggles: Network centrality and gender segregation in same- and cross-gender aggression.American Sociological Review, 76, 48-73. Learn about each other â€Å"To be successful, children must learn to live and work with others whose beliefs, backgrounds, skills, and interpersonal styles are different from their own. Research has clearly shown that children who have interacted with  diverse individuals are better prepared for this task.1 The experience of sharing, working, and learning with children of both genders is vital to developing healthy relationships in both their future families and workplaces.† Orfield, G., Frankenberg, E., & Garces, L. M. (2008). Statement of American social scientists of research on school desegregation to the U.S. Supreme Court in Parents v. Seattle District and Meredith v. Jefferson County. Urban Review, 20, 96-136. Ineffective No advantages â€Å"Our examination of the existing studies leads us to conclude that there is not scientific evidence for positive effects of single-sex schooling,† said Liben. â€Å"That’s not to say that academic outcomes are definitively worse, but neither are they definitively better. Advantages have not been demonstrated.† Penn State â€Å"Sex Segregation in Schools Detrimental to Equality.† ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 22 Sept. 2011. Web. 25 Feb. 2015. Expensive Counterclaim: Different learning style Supporting evidence â€Å"Their argument is that girls and boys have very different brains, with boys oriented towards math, science and reasoning, and girls excelling in personal relationships and emotion. In this view, the sexes should be parented and educated differently, and steered towards separate careers.† Rivers, Caryl, and Rosalind C. Barnett. â€Å"Education.† Single-Sex Schooling Loses Ground for Good Reasons. N.p., June 2013. Web. 25 Feb. 2015. Counterclaim evidence â€Å"Some supporters of single-sex schools claim that brain differences between boys and girls require different teaching styles. But neuroscientists have found few differences between male and female brains, and none has been linked to different learning styles.† â€Å"It’s simply not true that boys and girls learn differently,† she said. â€Å"Advocates for single-sex education don’t like the parallel with racial segregation, but the parallels are there. We used to believe that the races learned differently, too.† Lewin,  Tamar. â€Å"Single-Sex Education Is Assailed in Report.† The New York Times. The New York Times, 22 Sept. 2011. Web. 23 Feb. 2015. Links

Friday, August 30, 2019

Importance of Computer Essay

Computer is an electronic device used in almost every field even where it is most unexpected. That is why this age is called as the era of IT. And now we cannot imagine a world without computers. It is made up of two things one is the hardware and other is software. All physical components of computer like keyboard, mouse, monitor etc comes under the hardware whereas all the programs and languages used by the computer are called software. These days computers are the tools for not only engineers and scientists but also they are being used by millions of people around the world. Computers have become an integral part of our lives. Be it the desktop computers or laptop computers, both have various advantages in our daily life. The landscape of global communication has changed since computers have been introduced in our society. Importance of computers can be attributed to the fact that almost every sphere of our life is affected by computers. Information technology (IT) is a whole new industry that has developed after the introduction of computers. Presenting before you is an article with an abridged summary of importance in computers in various fields. Importance of Using Computer Among several advantages of computers, access to the Internet is hailed to be an advantage that has shaped the way we communicate. Importance of information technology has been such that besides creating millions of IT jobs, it has become an integral part of every other industry. Features and operations of IT are indirectly required in every other sector. Role of Computers in Education Right from elementary school students to PhD researchers, every educational system has been influenced by computers. Some of the uses of computers in education are as follows: †¢Students can be better prepared for the future technologies and it’s easier to explain them several topics that are hard to be understood without 3-D images. †¢Online education has made learning easier and convenient for a large section of population. †¢Easy access to encyclopedia on the Internet certainly makes us ponder over textbooks versus computer teaching. Online encyclopedia have made researching and preparing documents simpler. †¢Students aware of computer uses have better chances of job opportunities as computers literacy is a need now. Importance of  computer education was never so important as it is in the present scenario. †¢Using computer aided facilities like PowerPoint presentation eases understanding of complex topics. BANKS Almost every bank is using computers to keep the record of all the money transaction and other calculations. Moreover it provides speed, convenience and security. COMMUNICATION Communication is another important aspect of computer and has become very easy through internet and email. Computer communicates using telephone lines and modems. Through email we can send messages to anybody in any part of the world in just a second while if we write letter then it will reach in some days. So the internet has made the earth a global village and above all saves time. This would not be possible without computers. Internet helps to find information on every topic. It is the easiest and fastest way of research. Computer network makes the user capable of accessing remote programs and databases of same or different organizations. MEDIA Almost every type of editing and audio- visual compositions can be made by using special software especially made for this purpose. Some software can even make three dimensional figures which are mostly used in the cartoon films. Special effects for action and science fiction movies are also created on computer. TRAVEL AND TICKETING Computers do all the work of plane and train reservation. It shows the data for vacant and reserved seats and also saves the record for reservation. WEATHER PREDICTIONS Weather predictions are also possible by the experts using supercomputers. SPORTS It is also used for umpiring decisions. Many times the umpire has to go for the decision of third umpire in which the recording is seen again on the computer and finally reaches to the accurate and fair decision. Simulation software allows the sportsman to practice and improve his skills. DAILY LIFE We operate washing machines, microwave oven and many other products using software. Moreover we can store all the information about our important  work, appointments schedules and list of contacts. Crucial Role of Computers in Medicine The health care field has gone through a revolution after computers have been introduced in our society. Uses of computer in the medical field has been immense. Computers have been integrated with almost all medical technologies to improve accuracy in results. †¢Big hospitals require computer systems to maintain database of patient records. This has lessened the burden of paper management. †¢Some uses of computers in hospitals include maintaining staff attendance records, medical records recording of incoming and outgoing timings of staff, computerized accounting and managing records of patient and associated doctors. †¢The use of computers in medicine has gained more significance as heartbeat rate, pulse rates all can be checked on special graphs on monitor screen. †¢Internet technology has made it easier to exchange information, news and reports about latest medical development all across the globe. †¢Medical imaging has grown to become an extremely important aspect of medical diagnosis. By using techniques to create body images of even the most complex structures in the body, scientists have made it easier to treat ailments. †¢Web conferencing has made it easier for expert doctors sitting in some distant country to guide and instruct junior surgeons. More so, even while operation, many senior doctors can guide junior doctors. These are some of the amazing uses of computers in hospital set ups. †¢All surgical procedures are recorded in small cameras (some even installed in the medical equipment) so that the process of surgery can be learned better and improved. †¢Nowadays, even computer counseling is possible owing to extensive use of computers. Benefits of Computers in Business The use of computers in business has grown by leaps and bound since the last few decades. Here are some of the benefits of computers in business field. †¢Using Internet technologies, computer networking and several types of software, businesses are able to communicate all across the globe crossing geographical boundaries. †¢Communication has taken a new role among partners, suppliers, consumers and they’re able to keep a track of each other that facilitates the business process. †¢Development of software like  Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software solutions and Management Information Systems (MIS) have made it possible to centralize administrative features of a firm. †¢Project management and other planning activities are easily designed by integrating latest software with computers. This decreases time on planning and figuring out certain complex issues. †¢Seminars, conferences and meetings can be scheduled with bosses and big corporate giants through web conferencing that can be heard by all the employees simultaneously. While the debate on advantages and disadvantages of Internet or computers will always exist, it’s certainly a truth that computers have made our life totally different, progressive and better. So we can say that today computer is playing very important role in our lives. Now is the time when we cannot imagine the world without computers. And this technology is advancing both in industry and home. It has become necessary for everyone to have the basic knowledge about computer. Otherwise he cannot get a job as computers have invaded almost all the fields.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Belonging in Romulus My Father and Looking for Alibrandi

Belonging in Romulus my father and looking for alibrandi: Belonging represents the need for individuals to find their identity and place within a society. This results in the growth of individuals and their understanding of the world around them. Through reading the novels, Romulus, My Father and Looking for Alibrandi, we are helped to get a better understanding of the concept of belonging, belonging to a country, belonging to family, and belonging to a racial group. As well as the struggles of not belonging and being an outcast because of race. Romulus, My Father, written by Raimond Gaita, is a true story about Raimonds father, Romulus. Gaita explores the concepts of belonging to a family, belonging to the Australian landscape, and not being accepted because of the fact that Romulus was an immigrant. We belong when we feel connected to others and the world. Romulus found it hard to fit in when he arrived to Australia. This is understandable as immagration invariably involves detachment, loneliness and isolation. His first two years in Australia saw him working for the government, isolated from his family. Romulus did not physically belong to the community due to his appearance, everybody noticed his eyes, almond-shaped, hazel and intense. Colour imagery is used here to contrast the lighter colours of the stereotypical Australian. Romulus was embaressed about his dark complexion, he called himself gipsy and later in Australia, an Aborigine. We see here that Romulus changes his story, in a plea to belong to a community or environment. Romulus doesnt dwell over the isolation he feels, instead he has come to accept what fate dealt him. He feels he is not owed anything better then what he currently has. As time progresses and members of the community realise the blacksmithing and handyman skills he has, he earns respect. It was because Romulus treated everyone with great respect that he was eventually accepted and finally felt a sense of belonging. Similarly, in Looking for Alibrandi, written by Melina Marchetta, we see the pain of a 17 year old girl, Josephine, as she is stuck in between two worlds. She earnt a scholarship at an upper class private school where everyone is judged by how rich their families are. Josie is embaressed of her Italian background, she has been bullied through school and steers away from her Italian traditions. Josie endures pain over her background, and thinks no matter how smart she is, shes always going to be the little ethnic girl from Glebe as far as these people are concerned. She feels that she doesnt belong within society and The use of the words these people highlight the cultural divide and differences between the white anglo-saxon community and the Italian community. When Josie calls upon her father for legal help after assaulting Carly Bishop, her father asked her the reason why she hit Caly with a book, she called me a wog, amongst other things, her father then went on to say You are a wog Josie, does it offend you to be one? . From this point forward, Josie was forced to reconsider her perspective on being Italian. Eventually, a pride in her Italian heritage emerges, although she is selective and doesnt want to be a long suffering Italian woman as earlier generations of women had. However, she didn;t want to be a rebel Italian because she hates the thought of being outcasted by her Italian community, she wants to belong. A sense of belonging can be created with an environment. In Romulus, My Father, we feel Romuluss pain has he longs for the generous and soft Eurpoean foliage. Although the Australian landscape is beautiful, he has no connection or sense of belonging to the environment as he is used to the lush and green bush of Europe. Words with negative connotations such as scraggy and desolate are used to describe the harsh Australian environment and to highlight the fact that Romulus feels no sense of belonging with it. In contrast to this, we see how Raimond finally appreciates the rare beauty of the Australian environment. He now realises that how beautiful it is and feels a connection to it, he has finally stopped looking through his fathers European eyes, the scraggy shapes and sparse foliage actually became the foci for my sense of its beauty and everything else fell into place. In both texts we see the concepts of belonging to a family or close friends. In Romulus, we see the strong bond not only between Romulus and Raimond, but also Hora. The strong bond between father and son is symbolised solely by the memoir, the fact that Raimond wrote the novel about his father emphasies the strong bond they had. Romulus motorbikes were used as a symbol to show the sense of belonging they feel amongst each other, i was nervous when i rode with Mitru and entreated him to slow down on the gravel roads. When i rode with my father, no matter how fast he drove, i always urged him to go faster. Romulus and Horas relationship has stemmed from a cultural bond to a strong friendship based on respect and trust. They became close because of the similar cultures, and they were both aliens in a foreign country. Horas friendship rubs off onto Raimond, who he has great affection for. This is shown by Hora making sure Raimond had an orange for school every day. The fact that Hora would do anything for Raimond is a reflection of the deep sense of belonging that Hora feels towards Romulus. Similarly, in Looking for Alibrandi, we see the strong bond between Josie, and her mother Christina. Although they fight at times because of their fiery personalities, the bond will always be strong because of the hard times they have been through together. As Josie matures on her road to an inner sense of belonging, she becomes close to her grandmother. This is partly because of the fact she has accepted her Italian background, which means she can now tolerate her Nonna more. At the agof 17, she also meets her father for the first time. Initially, she resents him. But after spending time with him she realises how alike they are and they form a tight bond, therefore belonging with each other.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Why is a historically significant of US Slavery Essay

Why is a historically significant of US Slavery - Essay Example This is historically significant because it had a long term effect upon the place of black Americans in society right into the mid- 20th century, affecting for instance their rights to vote as full American citizens. Whether or not treatment of Afro-Americans can have ever have been considered humane depends upon your definition of the words ’humane’ and ‘human’. Justifiable Slavery Slavery has been described on more than one occasion as a crime against humanity, 1 but this idea has not always been the prevailing one. When the first Europeans shipped slaves from Africa the practice was already a long established as a norm in society on that continent. The Europeans were merely taking advantage of what was made available to them. Then gradually the trade increased, with traders offering good prices for more and more slaves to work in the newly discovered lands of the New World. It is estimated that some 10 million black Africans were eventually landed and sold on as slaves - this estimate of course does not any account of the massive numbers who died before arrival. It is relatively easy in the early 21st century to believe that slavery is wrong and find it hard to comprehend why people ever thought it was justifiable, especially if one reads the many accounts of the cruelty and horrors which were often involved. It is such stories which tend to stand out, rather than the ones were a slave was an established part of a household and community. There was obvious inequality, unfairness and modern man may feel this was not justified, being unable to fully put themselves into their shoes, but the people of earlier times just did not have the same mind set. Many of those who were slave holders were sincere Christians and could quote the scriptures which apparently backed up their position. This was backed up by their clergy. The Old Testament had laws as to how slaves should be treated e.g. Exodus 21 v 5 which refers to servants who did not want to leave their masters. Deuteronomy 15 v 11 onwards were taken as instructions as how to treat them i.e. pr ovide for them. Verses such as Exodus 21 v 20 were used to justify the beating of slaves. In the New Testament there are verses such as Ephesians 6 v 5 ‘Slaves, obey your earthly masters with respect and fear.’ and Titus 2 v 9 ‘Teach slaves to be subject to their masters in everything.’3 These ideas were not just based upon the Bible, but were generally accepted . Great thinkers such as Aristotle claimed that :- We see what is the nature and office of a slave; he who is by nature not his own but another's man, is by nature a slave; and he may be said to be another's man who, being a human being, is also a possession.4 He does however also say ‘Is not all slavery a violation of nature’, but decides that it is not, on the grounds that some are natural leaders and others naturally subservient. It should be pointed out that this was not racial prejudice, but simply refers to weaker people, perhaps captured in times of war. . Thomas Aquinas, operati ng within a rather different society – one of medieval feudalism, took a similar position – leaders and led.5 Philosopher John Locke in the 17th century was concerned with the way that the British monarchs were treating their people - the British i.e. white people, could not become slaves of the Stuarts he maintained, but on the other hand

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Organizational Structure Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Organizational Structure Paper - Essay Example In coming up with the right structure, organizations search for the one that is most effective in categorization of departments and relational coordination, which is essential to achieve optimal production levels. Wal-Mart has a three divisional structure for products. Their business categories are composed of Sam’s Club, Wal-Mart Stores, and International Stores. Approximately 20% of Wal-Mart’s business income is from their international segment, which is responsible for stores and restaurants in thirteen countries, including Sam’s Club and Wal-Mart Stores. By using a divisional structure, they are at an advantage since every division has the ability to focus on its specific objectives and goals, for example customers, service, and products (MacKenzie, 2008). By narrowing their focus, Wal-Mart is enabled to perform with more efficiency as they can locate particular areas that they should adjust or change as needed. Wal-Mart’s Organizational Structure Wal- Mart, as a major retail corporation, consists of stores that are spread all over the US, as well as the world, making them one of the largest retailers in the world. Because of the complexity that this comes with, it is essential that they have a well thought out and strong organizational structure. ... By having it this way, Wal-Mart was able to create a structure that suited their complex business operations and needs. Because of the many stores that Wal-Mart has all over the world, which are heavily dependent on the organization in order to run efficiently and effectively, this organizational structure allows them to improve their decision-making mechanisms by having managers who can deal with local issues and get the input of the overall executive managers (Brunn, 2012). Wal-Mart is also able to satisfy their customers through this structure since the different managers are able to come up with strategies that suit their local market, rather than overall strategies that may not be compatible. The matrix structure is just one of many diverse structures used by organizations. As mentioned, the organizational structure chosen by a specific company is dependent on the complexities of their business, as well as the requirements of managing their competencies. Apart from the matrix st ructure, there is the divisional organizational structure. This structure has its basis on the customer, products, and geographic location, which is unlike the matrix organizational structure that is based on reporting and who employees report (MacKenzie, 2008). These could be shift managers, general managers, and CEOs. In the divisional structure, the functional areas that compose an organization are divided into various divisions. Each of the divisions has resources that allow it to function independently. One example of a company using a divisional structure is GE, which has divisions like turbine division and microwave division, each with independent finance and marketing teams. Another type of structure is the functional structure, in which the organization groups various

Monday, August 26, 2019

U03d2 Process Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

U03d2 Process Analysis - Essay Example s a very organized and effective manner of testing how the processes are completed and the step by step process involved in completion of the processes. There are a few steps that are constant for almost all businesses while performing a process analysis. These include the definition and objective of the study, followed by a detailed documentation of the performance measures used within an organization and a thorough assessment and performance evaluation of the processes. Also the main step that is included is the development of the recommendations for the company and how the company can improve the overall processes in a more effective and efficient manner (Walker & Carayon, 2009). There are a number of companies and organizations that use this on a regular basis to help ensure that the processes are value adding rather than in any manner useless for the overall effectiveness of the company. Also the main intension of the process analysis is to use the best and most effective method while also concentrating on the possible errors and mistakes. There are also a number of tools that are present that can be applied to the health care management to ensure that all the processes are clear and well developed. Considering the various tools and based on the needs of the health care industry, it is clear that one of the tools that will help with the overall objective of the organization is mistake proofing and the Failure modes and effects analysis (FMEA). This can be applied to the industry and the organization and processes can be improved to help eliminate the mistakes and errors in the overall operations. A health care sector requires extra care and effort to ensure that the mistakes are nil as the serious nature of the service. Hence implementing the Failure mode and effects analysis model as well as the mistake proofing will help ensure a safer and more effective place for the customers and the general public as well (Jeston & Nelis, 2008). The use of these

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Fan fiction story Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Fan fiction story - Essay Example Since time immemorial, it has always been the fascination of mankind to see an intelligent being from another planet. Yet, aside from rumors that extra territestrials had been caught or found, nothing was ever proven that almost all scientist abandoned the idea of finding one, except for Dr. Nogrady, the eccentric scientist of NASA. So Professor X send a signal to the goldilocks planet Gliese 581 g hoping to prove that an intelligent being exists out there. Nobody took Dr. Nogrady effort seriously dismissing that the Professor has been chasing a pipe dream of looking for something that does not exist. A wasted genius they say. But the signal was still sent into that goldilock region of the universe. Then suddenly, a response. Dr. Nogradywas ecstatic, he himself cannot believe that his transmission were returned. For the first time in the history of science, a contact was made with an intelligent creature light years away. Through the help of a team of expert of linguists, Dr. Nogrady team were able to understand the language of the alien. The creature’s name was Apex. He was a male and an astronaut from planet Gliese 581 g who just like Dr. Nogrady, has also been scouring through the stars for a possible contact with an intelligent being. ... Earth does not have the technology yet to visit Planet Gliese 581 g so it was agreed that it will be Apex’s team who would be visiting the Earth. According to Dr. Nogrady’s estimate, the aliens will be arriving on earth six months from now. Necessary preparations were made for the arrival of Apex’s party. All honors were conferred to Dr. Nogrady who rose to sudden popularity due to his recent contact with an extra terrestrial being. He also received unlimited funding from the United Nation’s for his research and was made in-charge of the receiving party since it was only Professor X who was privy in communicating with Apex’s party. The initial contact will be made in the vast desert of Sahara desert in Africa since it was anticipated that Apex’s ship will be huge since it has to travel in space. The day arrived. Apex made an excited announcement that his ship has already landed in the designated landing field which Dr. Nogrady prepared for Ap ex’s arrival. Yet Dr. Nogrady cannot find the ship. He asked for confirmation from Apex who replied they have landed as confirmed by the engineer of Dr. Nogrady’s triangulation that they are already in the designated landing field. But they cannot be found. Suddenly the communication made a blip with Apex’s cry, why are you attacking us? We came in good faith and friendship! Dr. Nogrady replied, attack what? It’s getting dark, why are you sending your monsters to attack us! A series of cry was heard from the radio of Apex, yet nothing can be found in the landing field. Until finally, a distress call was heard from com of Apex, with a call â€Å"this is Captain Apex of Ship Amegdala on exploration to Earth, we are under attack and cannot survive, please send in rescue immediately!

Supply chain inventory, people, technology and risk Assignment

Supply chain inventory, people, technology and risk - Assignment Example People involved if not well trained and equipped can be a major source of risks. In the recent years, companies have been introducing advanced technology that is relatively more reliable and accurate. Perhaps one of the main challenges facing most companies in their operations is obsolescence and fraud. Over the past years, cases of fraud have highly been reported in the UK. The government has established specialized bodies to fight fraud. Serious Fraud Office is one of the bodies together with National Fraud Authority are but examples of such bodies. The technology industry has greatly been affected in the UK with Obsolescence over the last decade. This is highly associated with the quick advance in technological advancement. In order to be prepared against these two obstacles, companies have to develop well planned strategies. In these strategies, three factors are inevitable; inventory, people and technology. This report analyses how O2, the second largest telecommunication company in UK. The report tries to put into perspective the challenges and strategies used by the company in its operations in an effort to have an effective supply of its products and also fight fraud. This has jointly been attained through training of its employees and use of cloud based inventory system. O2 is the second leading telecommunication company in the UK. The company offers a wide range of services and products from mobile phones, SIM cards, internet bundles, and also financial services like the O2 Money which allows people to send money, receive money, pay bills among other transactions. The diversification of its products and services has seen the company expand its market and customer base over the past years. The high number of customers comes with its challenges. Among the challenges is how to handle demand and supply. This is mainly depended on their management on the inventory. The supply chain has to be well

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Sharing and Nurturing Ideas through Liquid Networks Essay

Sharing and Nurturing Ideas through Liquid Networks - Essay Example Blakley agrees with Johnson in her talk, â€Å"Lessons from Fashion's Free Culture.† She says that the fashion industry promotes creativity, because it legalizes copying from one another. In â€Å"Exploring the Diffusion of Innovation among High and Low Innovative Localities,† Walker, Avellaneda, and Berry explore the diffusion of innovation among high and low innovative localities. They learn that competition and learning are some of the factors that can promote and reinforce innovation processes. King and Anderson review several cases and studies in their book, Managing Innovation and Change: A Critical Guide for Organizations, and they discover that many innovation processes do not follow a linear nature of ideation. This essay examines how innovative ideas are formed. It is an important topic because with numerous social, economic, and political issues and problems plaguing communities and societies, innovation is a critical component in resolving them. Innovation c an help provide different options, and even, radical new ways of analyzing and resolving social problems and concerns. This essay reviews literature from Johnson, Blakley, King and Anderson, and Walker et al. These authors, Johnson, Blakley, King and Anderson, and Walker et al., agree that innovation takes time and teamwork. ... Blakley’s idea, where organizations that promote producing, nurturing, and sharing of ideas through liquid networks are the â€Å"hotbeds† of innovation. Spaces and organizations that promote the production of different ideas instigate innovation through promoting the free flow and exchange of ideas. Johnson observes that the sources of innovations are places that generate â€Å"liquid networks.† Johnson defines â€Å"liquid networks† as spaces, where people from numerous backgrounds and who have different values, practices, values, and interests, collaborate and share their ideas. He notes that it is a liquid network, because of the easy flow of ideas and it is a network, because people come together to share these ideas. He stresses that these liquid networks are places where ideas intersect, mix with each other, or help people generate something new from parts of the old. Johnson states that one classic example of liquid networks are coffeehouses of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. During the Enlightenment, Johnson narrates that instead of coffee, alcohol was served in these coffeehouses. He notes that these people drank alcohol from morning until evening, by sipping beer or wine every now and then, since water was not very safe to drink then. With these stimulants, he notes that â€Å"better ideas† are formed. In addition, Johnson stresses that the â€Å"architecture of coffeehouses† made it easy for ideas to â€Å"have sex.† In these coffeehouses, people from different fields had their ideas openly shared, made, altered, and combined with other ideas. These are places where innovation thrived, because of the setting that allowed the free sharing of ideas possible. If Johnson is looking for a liquid network culture, he can also find it in the fashion industry.